Do Renters Need A Home Inspection Too?

Should you get a rental property inspection before signing a lease? A home inspection is the norm when you buy property, but they’re virtually unheard of for renters.  Is that a big mistake? If you ask for a rental property inspection before signing a lease, are you just being a pain, or are you making a smart decision? Why You […]

What Is A Real Estate Escalation Clause?

Real estate escalation clauses have proven, time and time again, that their inclusion in an offer letter can greatly tip the scale in favor of buyers. Escalation clauses are, after all, a relatively simple way to stack the deck in favor of savvy investors. That said, anything less than a meticulously-calculated escalation clause can do […]

If You’re A First Time Landlord – Read This!

On the surface, being a landlord seems pretty simple. You find a tenant and wait for the first of every month for rent checks to pour in. At the end of the lease you repeat the process and start all over again. Anyone who owns rental property knows this isn’t exactly how things work. There are always […]

The 10 Most Important Features First-Time Homebuyers Want [UPDATED 2021]

The pandemic, which has forced governments around the world to issue “shelter-in-place orders,” has interrupted nearly a decade’s worth of positive housing momentum. In fact, what was shaping up to be one of the busiest summers in recent history has essentially failed to live up to expectations. Instead of realizing historical home sales numbers, buyers […]

5 Important Questions To Ask Yourself Before Finding A Private Lender

One of the great things about investing in real estate is that you don’t need your own funds to get started. Sure, having disposable money is nice but it is far from a necessity. That coupled with the fact that there are more capital options available than ever before makes this a great time to be […]

Home Improvement Projects You Should Always Outsource

All landlords are constantly looking for ways to increase their bottom line. Increased cash flow gives them the ability to do a multitude of things with the surplus. As great as saving money is, you need to know where to draw the line and outsource projects. There are a handful of home improvement projects that almost any […]